RECONCILIATION : A Film Space - 2014
Sculptures, drawings, photographies and collage all linked to the feature film, RECONCILIATION.
A film space is an extension of the film through various mediums.
Triptych Male & Female - Video Installation - 2014
Two video projected videos on specific wall design with center panel coming out of wall.
The two video pieces each represent a character floating upwards, the city suddenly going from static shots to constant upward pan shots.
Hat Portaits - Video Installation - 2013
Mixed Media installation - Video Screens, Cnc Routed and Laser Engraved Enclosures, Wood Structure, Earphones
Four videos representing performers wearing suclptured hats in different architectural locations
ANXIETY - Video and Sculpture Installation - 2013
Mixed Media installation - Video projection and 8 sculptures
Installation linking real sculptures with narrative in the screened film.
Creatures Of My Dreams - Video and Sculpture Installation - 2012
Mixed Media installation - Video projection and Two sculptures
Installation linking real sculptures with narrative in the screened film.
C,E & G Female Serie - Video Installation - 2012
Three Channel video Installation
Video installation linking the three female video triptychs from the C, E, G video series.