Sculpture and Performers Portraits
(ongoing project)
Year of production: 2013
Running Time: 2:41min each
Color / Sound / Music
Four videos representing performers with sculptured hats in various urban environments.
These videos also form an installation.
C Woman
Year of production:2013
Running Time: 5:41 min
Color / Music
Video triptych.
First of a series of video triptychs .
The titles each come a musical note, here C.
C Man
Year of production:2013
Running Time: 5:41 min
Color / Music
Video triptych.
First of a series of video triptychs .
The titles each come a musical note, here C.
G Woman
Year of production:2013
Running Time: 5:41 min
Color / Music
Video triptych.
First of a series of video triptychs .
The titles each come a musical note, here C.
G Man
Year of production:2013
Running Time: 5:41 min
Color / Music
Video triptych.
First of a series of video triptychs .
The titles each come a musical note, here C.
E Woman
Year of production:2013
Running Time: 5:41 min
Color / Music
Video triptych.
First of a series of video triptychs .
The titles each come a musical note, here C.
E Man
Year of production:2013
Running Time: 5:41 min
Color / Music
Video triptych.
First of a series of video triptychs .
The titles each come a musical note, here C.
Year of production: 2013
Running Time: 10min
Color / Sound / Music
Rhapsody is a video freely based on the T.S.Eliot "Rhapsody of a windy night".
A video in four parts, whcich navigate between two cities, London and Paris and two more natural backgrounds, the South of France and Dunkirk.